Thursday, March 8, 2007

International Women's Day

I have been away for a while living the "cushy-life" of a techie. I have been a night owl for the last one week and I realized that I am not too good at being one.

Today is a International Women's Day ! I have been seeing a bunch of articles around this and a couple of products empathizing with the Women of the times ! One of them was a prominent builder from Bangalore. I was not sure which "woman" they were empathizing with , the one that takes a hefty loan and pays for expensive apartments that they build or the ones who work on the construction sites . It would be great if these companies provide some extra benefit to these women who work at the sites. There are enough people to take "care" of the woman who takes those loans anyway !


Shalini said...

Who takes "care" of the women who takes loans? Would someone ever pay her loan money? When it comes to money, especially if they have to give, they run away.

Women who take loans are to be appreciated too, coz they are bold enough to take such a decision. They are sure they can pay it back no matter what. That also shows their confidence and will power.

Female construction workers are another section of the soceity. Thats where the demarcation lies. In this case too, such a worker believes strongly that she can support her family (most times men in such families are drunkards) with her daily wages.

So in every field, whether high class or low class, women these days, are proving to be confident and strong.

PS said...


Ok, I was talking from a builder's perspective. Does he care for the women who buy from him ( read that as the affluent lot ) or the women who work for him ( not so affluent) ...

You speak for me when you say that a lot of women who are daily wage workers have drunkard husbands. Well, who's celebrating them ?? No one. Is there support system being worked for them ?

Whereas compare with an affluent woman whose father funded her education, whose mother gave her all the support she needed for her to succeed and then using the "equal" opportunities provided to her , she gets a job and then "takes a loan". I see no issues of confidence in it and most of all nothing celebratory about it. Yes, I do acknowledge that they contribute equally in all spheres now and want to do so !

When I say "care" I mean, the woman who is eligible to take "those" loans knows where she is going to repay them from, more often than not she has a support system from her family which would help her tide over issues if any ...